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新报告分析D.C. 家庭 Law Litigant Experiences with Remote Court Hearings


A report published by NPC 研究 of Portland, Oregon examines the experiences of litigants with remote hearings in their District of Columbia family law cases during the pandemic. 家庭法案件中的当事人视角, 2022年2月上映, analyzes results of a 2021 survey of six legal services providers’ clients about their virtual courtroom experiences.  The survey was a collaboration among the 家庭 Law Learning Network (FLLN), the D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台事务所公益中心,以及D.C. 酒吧基础.

The 家庭 Law Learning Network (FLNN) is a partnership of legal services providers including Amara, 为城市提供面包, 华盛顿平价靠谱的滚球平台事务所, the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia, 安全姐妹圈, 以及华盛顿特区志愿靠谱的滚球平台项目.

2021年7月至11月, participating organizations surveyed current or former clients who had hearings in the Domestic Relations Branch, 亲子关系及支援科, 以及家庭暴力科. NPC 研究 analyzed data from 189 survey respondents and conducted two focus groups of family law attorneys.

Most study participants reported being satisfied with their remote proceedings. Virtual court appearances eased several challenges low-income litigants often face with in-person court appearances.   Remote appearances alleviated logistical and financial challenges; saved time and resources; and increased feelings of safety and security, especially among those with domestic violence cases.

Despite the benefits of remote hearings, litigants and attorneys reported some limitations.  Virtual appearances can make it easier to miss important nonverbal cues, especially when parties join without video, 使可信度评估复杂化.  Virtual courtrooms made it more difficult for attorneys and clients to have quick, private communications and video conferencing left some litigants feeling unheard.  Litigants and attorneys noted that remote environments cannot fully replace in-person interactions, and that some proceedings were better suited to in-person appearances, 比如证据听证会和审判.

“These survey results provide valuable insights to inform  family law practice in the District,杰娜德·纳尼尼说, 检察官的家庭法专职靠谱的滚球平台.C. 酒吧公益中心.  “Given the longevity of the pandemic and remote operations, it is vital for practitioners and the court to understand how to best serve litigants in a remote or hybrid environment moving forward.”

家庭法案件中的当事人视角 offers eight recommendations the court may wish to consider when public health considerations allow in-person operations to resume in family court.





D.C. 酒吧 IP Community Honors Professor Victoria Phillips and Judge Pauline Newman


D.C. 酒吧 Intellectual Property Community gathered at the 酒吧’s headquarters on May 14 to honor law professor Victoria Phillips with its annual Champion of Intellectual Property 奖 and Judge Pauline Newman with its inaugural Lifetime Achievement 奖 for their outstanding accomplishments in the field of IP law.
